Core Maths - why is learning mathematics to the age of 18 still on the agenda

Maths education is so important that 16-year-olds shouldn’t be pondering ‘Should I take maths post-16?’ Instead they should be asking ‘Which maths should I take?’ 

Historically, if AS/A level maths was not the right choice for students who had ‘passed’ GCSE maths, no suitable alternative post-16 maths option existed. Now (since 2014) Core Maths, which is specifically designed to fill this qualification gap, is establishing itself as an excellent option for these students.

Everyday life and work are becoming increasingly mathematical. To play a full part in today’s society, it is essential to be able to make sense of numbers and critically analyse data.

Click here to read an article by Steve Lyon (Level 3 Math's Hub Lead) delving deeper into why learning mathematics to the age of 18 is still on the agenda

Click here to find out about our free Developing Core Maths Pedagogy programme

Click here to find out about the free AMSP New to teaching Core Maths Programme
