NCETM Mastery Assessment Materials
The NCETM has worked with classroom-based teachers within the Maths Hubs network to produce a range of mastery materials. They provide professional development and guidance to help teachers develop a mastery approach in their classrooms and schools.
Primary Assessment Materials
These materials contain a set of questions, tasks and activities supporting teaching for mastery. These are mapped against the key topics of the primary National Curriculum for maths and will help you assess the degree to which your pupils have mastered the curriculum.
Secondary Assessment Materials
The Secondary Assessment Materials will support you and your colleagues in assessing students at KS3. They will enable you to make judgements on the degree to which students have mastered various components of the KS3 maths curriculum.
The materials have been produced in collaboration with Oxford University Press and are available for each of Years 1 to 6 inclusive.
Please note that these materials are: Text © Crown Copyright 2015 Illustration and design © Oxford University Press 2015