Subject Knowledge for Secondary (Non Specialist Teachers)

Who can take part?

This programme is for non-specialist teachers of maths in state-funded schools in England who fit the following definition:

"A non-specialist teacher of mathematics is a teacher in a state-funded school or college that is currently teaching some mathematics or has commitment from a headteacher/executive head to teach some mathematics within the next year, who has not undertaken Initial Teacher Training (ITT) in mathematics."

What is involved?

There are significant numbers of people teaching maths in secondary schools without specialist initial teacher training. This programme supports non-specialist teachers in developing the specialist knowledge (the blend of subject knowledge and pedagogical knowledge) for teaching maths.

It is designed to take place over the equivalent of six days.

What will you learn?

  • Your students will develop a deep, secure and connected understanding of the maths they are learning
  • You will increase your confidence in planning for progression in maths
  • You will improve your subject and curriculum knowledge of secondary maths

What is the cost?

The Subject Knowledge for Secondary programme is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools

What do participants think?

  • "It is helping me reflect as a teacher. I don’t have a maths degree and although I can do the maths myself, it is all different from how I was taught before. My department has done a lot of work on teaching for mastery and this is helping me make sense of the work the faculty are doing" – Sam
  • "This is my first year teaching maths, and I hadn’t heard of teaching for mastery before – this programme gives you so many different ways of thinking and approaching problems" – Jessica
  • "In terms of planning lessons, I will now use the NCETM resources in my planning – I can now think more deeply" – Ali
  • "As a non-specialist, this course has enabled me to use the correct terminology and assisted in the way I structure my lessons" – Simon
  • "I am finding it really useful to see different ways of explaining or teaching concepts" – Su
  • "I find this really helpful […] it’s the ways to deliver the content that I find most useful, and correcting my misconceptions” – Phil
  • "It's making me see the different ways that concepts can be approached" – Jane
  • "My subject knowledge has gaps in maths – I am learning a great deal" – Francesca

How can I get involved?


To book your place for 25/26, please click on the link below to complete the short form:

Subject Knowledge for Secondary Non-Specialist Teachers 25/26